Store Total Rankings
Quick SummaryStore Total Rankings display the information based on ACCUMULATED statistics of top 1,000 stores in each AliExpress category.
The Store Total Rankings help you discover new business opportunities and enable you to view your chosen stores’ latest and complete statistics, according to your customized options. At a glance you can see if the statistics of the store are increasing or falling, so as to determine if a store is as popular as it once was, and if it is still worth tracking.
How to Use?
Choose the category, type the keyword, click on “search” button, and the searching results will be shown below. You can see the ranking of each store in the first column, together with other statistics about the store.
Limits: You can track up to 1,000 stores in each category.
If you choose different filter conditions, the results will be reordered by your chosen conditions. How convenient and thoughtful!
Click on a store name or the small black icon next to the heart icon will pop up a detail page, where you can view in-depth statistics about the store.
If you want to monitor the store, please click on the heart icon. And then you will find the store in the list of “My Favorites”.
Who Can Use This?
Please refer to the Member Upgrade page.